Wednesday, October 1, 2014

21 Unexpected Choir Photos

Portrait of the photographer's good side
OK, kids here's a Listicle for you, Choir-style. 
Pic #1 
Me not quite making it back before the shutter goes off. 
Full story HERE

Denyse gets her first Motorbike ride. Read more about it...
A Soprano and a Bass on a Bike

End of season celebration with my choir chums at the New Edinburgh Pub, Ottawa. Blog post to come once I decide which pics are not too self-incriminating.
Choristers drinking and eating -- who knew??

Door prizes at every Stairwell Caroller concert!  Read more about it here.
A Tenors' proudest moment -- pulling the door prize

Photo bombing -- the new pass-time of the young. 
Selfies, the new pass-time of the ever so slightly older.
A Tenor pushing his luck

Maman, Ottawa's largest sculpture (I think) looms over Parliament Hill, outside of the National Gallery of Canada -- all while we sing our little hearts out in the gorgeous atrium. A favourite of ours during both Spring and Christmas seasons
Our favourite venue is guarded by a giant Arachnid

Singing Xmas carols in the Byward Market brought out the inner toque lovers in all of us.
Nerd Choir

With Tenors like these who needs enemas?
That made no sense, but seemed funny in my head. 
Tenors are special

Morgan has gone through many hair evolutions since joining the choir. 
Currently he sports the full beard so loved by hipsters the world over.
Pete made an executive decision about his hair.
Tenors have unique hair -- all or nothing

A fly-by shot. Slight photo bombing and major paparazzi avoidance.
More Tenor hair and a reticent Alto

We sing in churches -- it was bound to happen
The mighty Ghost Tenor

NO ONE can ignore Keith when he wants attention
Oh Yay Oh Yay Oh Yay -- in booming Bass tones

The inevitable photo bombed selfie -- and they were all in on it. 
And me trying hard to look all pretty
What is it with Tenors? Wait, he was a Bass..

What   Ever

Recording a CD is a marathon.
It takes a teen to give in and sleep face down on the ancient church floor runner.
All tuckered out from recording

Ha -- the choir has never seen this one -- I'm in trouble now
Yoga Choir

I'm pretending to sing, I don't know what everyone else is doing
Zombie Choir
We sang for the tree lighting ceremony, mentioned we had no supper, and they set up a table right in front of the governor generals office
-- in center block -- Parliament Hill.
Yes, the one with the airport style security now.
Yes, I'm old now... and second from the right -- with lots of young choir hair.
Eating Dinner in Center Block, Parliament Hill -- yes we did

This was a record album
It was Vinyl
Yes, I'm old
The Stairwell Carollers on Vinyl -- available on Ebay and in a second hand store near you

I'm young here
I'm not telling you what year this was
At the National Arts Centre -- oh, yes, we did

Rare Ancient Stairwell Caroller Photo from 1650 -- at the NAC

'Nuff Said...


  1. This is absolutely hilarious. Great work Holly. Loved it.

  2. Thanks.
    I laugh again every time I read it.
    I have to get out more.


You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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