Friday, September 26, 2014

Music is not for sissies

Denyse, ecstatic after her first tour on a motorcycle

Article first published in Horizons 27, pg 12   L'article en francais ici
by Denyse Mageau, soprano

 "Music is not for Sissies" -- what does that title have to do with a motorcycle?

2014 group photo of the Stairwell Carollers, Denyse at right
I have sung in an a cappella choir, the Stairwell Carollers, since 1978 and have come to know quite a few eccentric singers during all those years. Since 2004, I have sung next to a bass, René Voyer, who often comes to the rehearsal on his bike, a flamboyant Kawasaki. In 2009, I missed singing the Christmas season because of sciatica. I boasted. "A friend came to see me on his Harley Davidson" (I knew nothing about motocycles) and brought me a book, Healing Back Pain Naturally. I am still grateful for this help.
Denyse sitting pretty with Rene on his Kawasaki

New Edinburgh Pub, Ottawa
​This year, at our concert, Ave Maria, (a program of madrigals and sacred music from the Renaissance), the singers at the reception afterwards were discussing celebrating the end of the season at the New Edinburgh pub on Beechwood. I was reluctant. "I'll come and get you on my Kawasaki", offered René. How could I refuse? This was a long time dream. His wife, Michèle, lent me everything that was needed and away we went on the Rockliff parkway at 6:45 a.m. June 4, 2014. It was an exhilarating experience.

I have always said that as we grow older, we have to find new passions.

I don't intend to buy a motorcycle, but René offered me a second ride, " Faster and longer ". Vroom vroom vroom. It is never too late.

I'll be 77 in August.

​To see and hear us, check our web site at or You tube.

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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