The Stairwell Carollers are without a doubt one of the world’s most unique choirs, as their director, Pierre Massie, leads the choir while singing within the tenor section.
Pierre is an award-winning composer, and the Carollers regularly perform his original compositions and arrangements. In recent years, he has encouraged choir members to flex their own composer muscles too. The result is – that for the first time this Christmas – the Stairwell Carollers will perform pieces written by a veritable composer quartet from within their very ranks.
Two world premieres will be presented during the Carollers’ upcoming Christmas season: the beautiful, gently rocking “Mary’s Lullaby” written by alto, Lyndsay Bolden – and the imaginative, tour de force “Christmas is…” by bass, Terry Brynaert. Both Lyndsay and Terry have been filled with excitement and anticipation watching their new pieces blossom in rehearsal.
The 2019 Christmas program will also feature a number of Pierre Massie gems – including his arrangements of Christmas favourites like “Do you hear what I hear”
and “Mon beau sapin”, along with his original bilingual song, “The Stairwell Carol.”
I also share in the excitement – as my own arrangement of the classic German carol “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen” is included in the program.
It’s a rare choir indeed that can boast such an abundance of creative energy. Ottawa residents can hear the results of this choral composer collaboration at the Stairwell Carollers Christmas concert, An a capella Christmas, at Southminster United Church, 15 Aylmer Ave at Bank St, Saturday December 14th, 7:30pm.
The Carollers are also pleased to be presenting a $2,000 donation to the Cornerstone Housing for Women at this concert.
And, if you’re looking for that perfect Christmas gift, the choir’s CDs will be on sale too. Net proceeds are used to help local organizations - since 1997 the choir has donated over $140,000 to local charities and scholarships.
Tickets are $20 at the door, or $15 in advance at Compact Music, 206 & 785 1/2 Bank Street
Hope to see you there on December 14th!
If you can’t make it to Southminster, you can still hear the Stairwell Carollers on Wednesday December 18th at St. Columba Church, 24 Sandridge Road, 7:30pm
David Rain has been taking his cues from the back of Pierre Massie’s head in the tenor section for going on 27 years.
About The Stairwell Carollers:

A registered Canadian charity, The Carollers also help local charities with net proceeds from concert, CD and cookbook sales.
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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)