Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dec 18 Christmas concert last of the season for the Stairwell - St. Columba Church

Stairwell Carollers at Southminster concert - photo credit Mark Holzman
Our 2019 Xmas donation of $2000 was presented to Cornerstone Housing for Women at our 7:30 pm December 14th concert at Southminster United Church.

Some lovely praise from Mark Holzman -
"Pierre - What a wonderful concert on Saturday night. Thank you for your community support over these many years and for choosing to donate to Cornerstone this year. The hard work and dedication shown by all the Stairwell Carollers is evident in the lovely music you all have composed, arranged, practiced and performed so beautifully. And how magical to see the transformation back to winter when we left the church! Attached are several photos of the presentation. Happy holidays to all. - Mark"

Pierre Massie presents $2000 gift to Cornerstone to Mark Holzman
The concert was packed to the rafters with a wonderful audience! Even the choir loft was full! Thanks so much for a great night!

Reviews from The concert coming in -
"On Sunday I bumped into a couple of people who had attended the Dec 14th concert, and told me "how marvelous" it was.
Among many highly appreciative remarks were: How particularly they had enjoyed the piece "with all those various carols and yule songs in with the chant" (i.e., they meant "Christmas is...") and that they do hope that "Song of The Crib" will go onto the Carollers' next CD- "it was so beautiful".
Keith, Bass"
Two Smiling Ladies
Cornerstone has shared with us the impact that donations like ours will have:

“Almost 1,000 women become homeless in Ottawa every year.

“Thanks to the support of our partners, donors, and friends, Cornerstone Housing for Women helps two hundred women every 
day, and nearly five hundred women each year transform their lives from crisis to hope, housing, and healing.

“We are the only Ottawa shelter and housing charity uniquely tailored to women that have experienced homelessness.

“We offer emergency shelter and supportive housing at five locations, and an outreach program. We give professional and 
spiritual care to a diversity of women. With support, women can transform their lives and have a fresh start.”

To hear some of the best Christmas music in Ottawa - click here to get your tickets to our final concert of the season on Wed Dec 18th, only $15 in advance.Stairwell Carollers 2019 Christmas concert poster

By purchasing your ticket, you provide us with the funds to work towards our 2020 donation to another local charity. Thank you!

This brings our total giving to local charities plus music scholarships to students to just under $145,000.  This is the second time the choir has donated to Cornerstone – the first was in 2001 – and we are proud to be able to continue to support their important work.

David Rain

About The Stairwell Carollers:

Pierre Massie created our a cappella choir in 1977 while he was a music student at Ottawa University. With wins in both the 2010 and 2013 Ontario Music Festival Association competitions, we are ranked among the best of Ontario choirs. 
A registered Canadian charity, The Carollers also help local charities with net proceeds from concert, CD and cookbook sales.  Since 1997 we have donated over $144,000 to local charities and scholarships.

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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