Saturday, April 14, 2018

Early Music Trivia Quiz- No Drake, Bieber or Gaga

Scilla - harbinger of spring
A Musical Trivia Quiz to celebrate the arrival (or not) of Spring:) 

1. Which British composer, whose work we'll be performing on May 27th at St Martin's Church, lived in London at the same time as Shakespeare?

In fact, he is one of the few composers of the only surviving contemporary settings of verse by Shakespeare...  (don't cheat by clicking the link!)

2. From just the title of this piece, Abendlied (evening song), can you guess which Bible story it is referring to?

Clue : it is in the New Testament.

3. What is a composer attempting to express in a madrigal?

And what is a madrigal?
Audite Nova - The Stairwell Carollers Madrigals CD
4. If you were to read the song lyrics "falalala", you would likely think they come from the Christmas song Deck the Halls. But, this Spring, we are singing these lyrics too! Can you guess what the name of our piece is, and where the "falalala" comes from?

5. Which Renaissance Franco-Flemish composer was so influential in his time that he:
  • was kidnapped three times as a child, because of the beauty of his singing voice? 
  • occupied the prestigious post of "maestro di capella" at one of Rome's churches at only age 21? 
  • received invitations from monarchs of France, emperors, and the Pope?
6.  In what era do you think this piece was composed? Take a wild guess!
"La la la, je ne l'ose dire" tells the story of a husband who has many reasons to be jealous of his wife, because she will go to sea with anyone. In the song, you can also hear all the village gossips. The moral of the story : "sadly, marriage lasts for eternity!"
Sheet music
7. This German composer composed many madrigals. In fact, his book of madrigals was used in music teaching for more than 100 years after its publication and he is now considered one of the madrigal leaders.

What's the name of the composer?

8. Quite a few of our pieces this Spring talk about the longings for love. But which one is based on an award-winning poem from 1918 by Sara Teasdale?
  • I love my love, 
  • Say love if ever, 
  • I am not yours, or 
  • Farewell dear love.
9. This French composer was a close friend of Camille Saint-Saëns, was invited to Buckingham Palace in 1908, was given an unprecedented national musical tribute in 1922...his musical style influenced many 20th Century composers.

Who was he?
Closest I got to the palace...
10. There are various arrangements of Fauré's Requiem, Offertorium. What makes Pierre Massie's arrangement (premiered this Spring) a special one?

11. Can you give us the name of the German composer who was an expert in designing organs and who developed a clockwork organ later sold to the Emperor Rudolf II?
Water Hyacinth, favourite spring pond flower
(drum roll)

1. Thomas Morley.

2. It is from Luke 24, when the two disciples invite Jesus to stay with them : « Abide with us, for evening shadows darken, and the day will soon be over... »)

3.  The composer is trying to express the emotion contained in each line of a celebrated poem. A madrigal is a secular vocal music composition of the Renaissance and early Baroque eras.

4. My Bonny Lass. Dance-like rhythms and the Fa la la refrains typical of an Italian balletto.

5. Roland de Lassus, 1530-1594.

6. In the Renaissance era. By Pierre Certon 1510-1572

7. Jacques Arcadelt.

8.  I am not yours.

9.  Gabriel Fauré 1845-1924.

10. It is an all a cappella arrangement - no instrumental parts.

11. Hans Leo Hassler.

Quiz created by Kristina, soprano :) Photos by Holly, alto
About The Stairwell Carollers:

Pierre Massie began our a cappella choir way back in 1977 while studying music at Ottawa U. The Stairwell Carollers are ranked with the best of Ontario choirs, winning both the 2010 and 2013 Ontario Music Festival Association competitions. 

A registered Canadian charity, we also help local charities with our concert, CD and cookbook sales
Net proceeds benefit charity.

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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