Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Comfy? Chair, Cough drops and Giggles come with...

Here's a cat to look at while you consider auditioning
Here's a cat to look at while you consider auditioning
Guest post by Rae, soprano. Photos by Holly.

We're having auditions for men soon, and, to this writing, there are yet no takers.


Maybe my rendition of the audition experience last year was horrifically graphic and made you far too afraid of us.

Maybe we're really that scary. After all, 30-odd faces and voices sitting on stackable chairs in a church reception hall, with not a single instrument to hide quietly behind, could be seen as awfully intimidating. Or weird.

Maybe you think we're all really, really good.

Maybe you think we actually know what we're doing.

But, the truth is, we all just like to sing. And singing together is so much more powerful, more beautiful, just plain old bigger, than singing alone. Not everyone knows how to read music. Not everyone's been in another choir before. Very few of us know any Latin at all. Not everyone's ever sung outside of the shower before.

Pierre and his Maman at Christmas
Pierre and his Maman at Christmas
And no one's actually afraid of our director, Pete. (Sorry Pete, I know you wish it were true. But no, even that habit of hitting yourself upside the head with a tuning fork is just not that threatening.)

All choirs have trouble getting male voices. It's apparently not seen as all that manly to sing. I beg to differ. As a woman, trust me, it's sexy. We compete with all-male choirs for our men, with classical choirs, with professional choirs.

Graham, tenor, before dress rehearsal -- not doing his homework
Graham, tenor, before dress rehearsal -- not doing his homework
We even steal high school kids away from their homework and texting and videogames.

Morgan, tenor, focuses lights instead of going to the pub -- he is in two choirs and gets hired to sing solos on the side
Morgan, tenor, focuses lights instead of going to the pub -- he is in two choirs and gets hired to sing solos on the side
We've got barely padded metal chairs to offer, in an occasionally drafty church space, every Wednesday evening. No electronic devices. No instruments. No cookies or coffee. Plenty of cough drops. Bring your own water.

There's a spot waiting for you, where people will sit beside you. They'll tease you. They'll occasionally whisper and fidget and bug you until you get yelled at as if it were your fault, and then they'll giggle. And then, while you're trying not to laugh, they'll burst into sudden, glorious, astounding song.

Stairwell Caroller photo collage
Stairwell Caroller photo collage
And so will you.

At choir Pub night, Rae, soprano, finds Nikki's shyness endearing
At choir Pub night, Rae, soprano, finds Nikki's shyness endearing
There's nothing like it.

Come see for yourself.



If you are a male bass, baritone or tenor (or have no clue, just love to sing) email us now at info@stairwellcarollers.com to book your 15 minute tryout.

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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