Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mentorship from across the sea - In Memory of a choral master, Sir David Willcocks

Sir David Willcocks arrangement for The Stairwell Carollers
Sir David Willcocks arrangement for The Stairwell Carollers
The news that Sir David Willcocks has passed on is such a loss to the choral world. We, as a choir, are saddened by the fact that we had never meet him in person, but will always treasure the exclusive arrangement of "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" that he wrote for The Stairwell Carollers. It is included on our "I saw a swete semly syght" Christmas CD.

We are dedicating our new Christmas CD, "O magnum mysterium" and this year's Christmas singing season to the memory of Sir David Willcocks -- teacher, choral director and arranger and inspiration to the music world.

Our director, Pierre, has always strived for Great Britain's "boy's choir" sound. Our most important influencers were always Sir David Willcocks and John Rutter. He has a special fondness for their music. Over the years, both master choral directors learned of our choir and our recorded works and sent Pierre congratulations and postcards.

We subsequently recorded many of their pieces.

Postcard to Pete from John R.
Postcard to Pete from John R.

Here is a playlist of choral arrangements by Sir David that we have sung in concert and uploaded to YouTube. I hope it gives a taste of the creativity and beauty inherent in his choral arrangements.

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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