Thursday, July 12, 2012

Stairwell Caroller annual scholarship winners announced

Maggie argues a point of musicality re a scholarship application
      Once a year, a small group of choir members volunteer their time to help choose a recipient for our annual Stairwell Caroller Scholarship. Applicants must be young musicians who will be pursuing a Canadian post secondary degree in Music.

 This year's committee was once again headed up and organized by Diane Fraser, Alto. She presented Pete, Maggie, Susan and myself with all the supplied information for each applicant ahead of time along with recordings of the performances. A computer glitch held us back for a bit, but then Pete figured it out and we all watched the videos together. One interesting note: YouTube has become a popular medium for our applicants, changing the process a bit for us old folks.

As mentioned in a previous post explaining the process of choosing a scholarship winner, coming to a final decision can be complex and daunting. This year we had six excellent candidates and we spent many hours and ate many munchies trying to weigh all the pros and cons. 

Once again, we decided that two applicants stood out, so we have awarded two scholarships. Daniel Desgroseilliers and Ashley Kurkjian are the winners of the 2012 Stairwell Carollers Annual scholarship 


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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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