Wednesday, June 29, 2011

DA CAPO -- Stairwell Caroller History -- Genesis of a Committee -- NOTEable Mention

Singing at the NAC, Dec 16, 1986 -- Mike is second from left beside Pete, then it's me and Dawn
When we started this choir, back in the '70's and '80's, the group was small -- about 10 members -- and most administrative tasks were split between Pete and Mike Ouellette. Mike was great at writing letters and took on that huge responsibility.  The choir archives are full of correspondence from every venue and organization that requested the choir to perform. Mike organized performances from those at churches and community centers to our appearances at the tree lighting ceremonies on Parliament Hill.

Michael was really our first unofficial treasurer, but as he wore so many hats, and there was no steering committee yet, he had no official title.

A much younger Me and Dawn in 1977
Mike and his wife Dawn -- a life-long friend -- were both in the choir for many years.

In fact, Dawn is the one who named the group!  Even back in University, his entrepreneurial style was developing and now Mike is a scientist who works at the National Research Council and Dawn and Mike together run a working farm and sell poultry in the spring that they raise themselves.

Holly ;)

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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