Thursday, June 23, 2011

After-Concert Gleanings and Thankyous -- St. Barnabas excellent choice for Spring

St. Barnabas on James Street Ottawa

Stained glass at St. Barnabas

The concert was wonderful. The audience was warm and receptive, and the St Barnabas representatives were very helpful and told us they were impressed with both our  music and our organization. We awarded two $1000 scholarships to talented music students and donated $2000 to the V.O.N. for their long history of wonderful work in Ottawa.

Tom Barnes recorded the concert and Pete will post some video on our YouTube channel for those who could not be there.

Jose Roy our MC congratulates our Scholarship winners
Thanks to Jose Roy for being the best MC on the planet. Her warmth, wisdom and wit are in perfect balance with an impeccable bilingual delivery.
John and Diana tapin' it DOWN
Thanks to our Tech crew, and our new Wrangler, Diana -- who made sure we kept out of Pete's hair (pun intended) and got everyone where they were supposed to be with "signs, signs everywhere are signs"

Useful signage
Nicole, Rex and Diane busy laying out the eats
Thankyou, Nicole  for organizing the food and thanks to everyone who brought yummies for the reception after.
Thanks to Susan again for bringing the risers and the "sandwich board" sign.

Thanks to Andrea for all the posters, brochures and flyer printing, and everyone who helped distribute them.

Thanks to my lovely husband, Pete, our Director, without whom there would be NO Stairwell Carollers and my life would be soooo different, I can't (and don't want to ) imagine.

In conclusion...
St. Barnabas has wonderful acoustics, amazing history and artifacts, but is deceptively small. It was just the right size for an intimate spring Concert, but would not fit half of our usual numbers we get at a Christmas concert. So, on with the search! Committee meeting and then summer hiatus. 

Don't worry though -- no blog slowdown -- I have masses of entries in draft  and a podcast or two coming up.

1 comment :

  1. Thank you to St Barnabas Church for being so supportive and accommodating! We had a lovely time and I'm sure we'll be back!


You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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