Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2010 Christmas concerts "Iesous Ahatonnia"

Church entrance, with Stairwell Caroller sign
Saturday, Dec. 4, at Woodroffe United Church at 207 Woodroffe Ave
Dec. 8 at St. Columba Anglican Church, 24 Sandridge Rd.,
Dec. 10 at St. Paul's Eastern United Church, 473 Cumberland St.,
and Dec. 18 at Eglise Marie-Médiatrice/Saint frère André, 344 Cyr Ave
Featuring a brand new arrangement of The Huron Carol -- Iesous Ahatonnia by our director, Pierre Massie
Our director, Pierre Massie

The Stairwell Carollers are an a cappella Ottawa choir, formed in 1977 by their director Pierre Massie, a music graduate of the University of Ottawa. The choral group has earned the distinction of being ranked amongst the best of Ottawa choirs by local choral critics. Their repertoire encompasses sacred and secular songs from the Renaissance period.
In the rush of the hectic Yuletide season, the Carollers bring focus to the true meaning of Christmas, with their beautiful and unique interpretations of traditional Christmas carols in many languages.
The release of their first CD Qui creavit celum, celebrated the Stairwell Carollers' 20th anniversary in 1997.
In 2000 they released I Saw a Swete Semly Syght and in 2003 Mourning Dove.  Their very first madrigal CD, Audite nova, was released in October of 2006.
Their new Xmas CD Laudemus cum armonia is now available for pre-order and will be released this October
A non-profit organization, they assist in raising funds for local charities through concerts and CD sales.

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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