Sunday, August 7, 2011

CHOIR HOW-TO -- Costume -- Part Three: Dressing the Choir, Girls in Tails

Tuxedos and Tails - so classy!!
On and into the late 90's, where we depended on the generosity of Ottawa Little Theatre, and Costume Mistress, Sue McKinley, for tailed tuxedos. Well-cared for, basically antique, tuxedos.We looked fabulous -- and very festive, as well as formal.

Another confession -- I always wanted to dress in "Tux 'n Tails", and these were authentic! Once a theater person, always a theater person.

I still own a tickle trunk.

The venture was inexpensive as well -- me and my shoe-string budget brain again.

$10 rental per  tuxedo -- and we returned them to OLT unlaundered (they always handled costume cleaning)

$10 per red bow tie (purchased)

$20 per tux shirt -- I measured each singer and picked up the shirts at a local menswear store(they reimbursed me).

The Carollers supplied their own black shoes and socks/nylons -- and I was a bit more strict on the footwear to keep the formal and uniform look

Everyone was very good about the total cost per outfit and we wore the tuxes for 1997 Xmas and for the 1997 - 2001 Spring seasons. New members only had to buy the tux shirt -- and we made sure to choose a classic style that was still available from year to year.

We got so many complements! As I thought, many people liked the fact that the ladies wore the same suit as the men and how flattering they were.

However, some of the choir members were not as thrilled as I -- they squirmed under the tight collars, and perspired under the wool on stage. I've always believed one has to suffer for their art, but even I can't get my way forever, and we shifted to new ideas. Who said a change is a as good as a rest? I mourned the loss of our tuxes, but, unbeknownst to me, we were moving toward our costume destiny.


  1. Fun to see old pics! See you soon!

  2. Hi Nicole. If you have a topic request tell me :) I have many in the works, but if two heads are better than one (like two knotting needles...)

  3. I love this page:)


You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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