Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pierre Massie wins prestigious Ottawa-Carleton District School Board "Arts Recognition Award"

Pete with his Glebe Offbeat group at Winterlude 2010
Exciting News!

The director and founder of the Stairwell Carollers, Pierre Massie, has been chosen as the recipient of the OCDSB (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)  Arts Recognition Award for Secondary Integrated Arts for 2010-2011.

OCDSB Arts Award for Pierre Massie 2010-2011

An excerpt of the email Mr. Jim Mcnabb, chair of the Awards Committee, sent Pete the other day informing him of his win is below.

Dear Pierre Massie.
It is with great pleasure that the Advisory Committee on the Arts of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board announces that you are the recipient of the Arts Recognition Award for Secondary Integrated Arts for 2010-2011. Your nomination from Principal Pat Kulka was assessed in relation to other applications and was deemed by the Committee to be very worthy of this award. Your enthusiasm and long hours of hard work as the Arts Department Head and a Music teacher inspiring your students and your fellow Arts teachers have been outstanding for years. Your mentorship of the strong Visual Arts and Drama programmes, along with your wonderful instruction in the Music Department which creates the highly appreciated Music Nights, inspires all those around you at Glebe Collegiate Institute. Most remarkable is your unique OFFBEAT group which integrates a variety of arts to produce an amazing rhythm ensemble. Your passion for the arts has enriched all your students immeasurably. Please accept our heartiest congratulations.

Jim McNabb, Chair, Awards Committee ACA
Michael Wilson, Judy Kirsh, Co-Chairs, Advisory Committee on the Arts
Cc Pat Kulka, Principal, Glebe Collegiate Institute
Greg Wysynski, Instructional Coach: The Arts, OCDSB

Congratulations from all the Stairwell Carollers Pete, on this achievement. You've worked long and hard to earn the recognition it represents.


  1. We're so proud of Maestro Massie! And the ceremony was lovely.

  2. Yeah, it was cool to see him get such official recognition.


You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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