
Dec 14, 2022 - David Rain 

What a delight it was to hear you guys live last nite, after such a long gap!

So many familiar carols, I found it really tough to resist singing along, having memorized most of the tenor parts of course. 😊

It was really cool to hear you sing Carol of the Bells in Ukrainian, hope that becomes a lasting tradition.

My other favourites were Personent Hodie, En el portel (you guys were rocking!), Un flambeau, Dors ma colombe, and then it is a toss up for me which I liked better, they were both so good: Psallite or the Breton carol, a real winner, that one should come back again too!

The imaginative concert program design was just about the best I’ve seen, Dr Brynaert, I presume?

Keith, your song introductions were brilliant, and there were lots of chuckles in my 
section toward the back.

And Holly, your “cloaking devices” have definitely stood the test of time, and with 
the matching masks, you all looked great on stage.
Speaking of masks, I take mine off to salute you all, having been to 6 choral concerts this year, I have observed how tough it can be to sing just one a cappella piece with masks, but a whole program, that’s a major physical achievement, on its own terms. Plus, you achieved what few others could, a really good articulation of the words, you must have worked long and hard on that.

Again, thank you for a wonderful experience last nite, shared by a couple hundred 
other souls, so glad you got a full house.

Greetings to all!



Dec 14, 2022 - MC, Keith Bailey

Thank you for the invitation to MC the Christmas concerts. Such an honour for me; it's greatly appreciated.

I was amazed at the quality of singing (and for almost 90 minutes!) through those damp and muffling masks.  Well done everyone. The repertoire was perfectly chosen for the occasion and locations.

Please convey my congratulations and appreciation to Pierre, the Steering Committee, and the members. 

With my best wishes to you all for Christmas and The New Year,


June 10, 2022 - Spring Concert Review

Following dinner we attended the first Stairwell Carollers live concert since December 2019 for their spring concert! This was a delightfully gorgeous eclectic choral arrangement! This concert filled my soul and heart with so much love and beauty to witness the choir’s commitment and effort for their art and masterful skill in delivering their voice to my ears to the very core of my spirit! So angelic! So sweet! So much heart! Such deep joy!
This was truly a magical evening for me!

Jen Ferris (from her insta @doingitblind)


Dec 30, 2021 - from a YouTube fan

I made it a project during Advent to post a favourite carol (or small related group of carols) on Facebook every day through to Christmas. Naturally, I wanted to limit myself to good performances, so it took a bit of time googling for clips that were worth sharing. I cannot tell you how many times Stairwell Carollers came up on my youtube searches with truly impressive renditions. On one hand, it was heart-warming to find a top notch Canadian group, but on the other hand frustrating that I don't live close enough to be a part of the experience.

All the best for 2022,
Sebastian (Piquette)


Sept 26, 2021 - re our latest Virtual Video - from a YouTube fan

How absolutely lovely!! Thank you!

Not only are your voices so beautifully blended, it is such a pleasure to watch every one of you.  Your faces are so serene and happy.

Pierre has done wonderful things for everyone involved in this celestial music, the singers and the audience alike.  God bless him and the Stairwell Carollers!



Dec 26, 2020 - re our Virtual Christmas Concert on YouTube

Hello, Stairwell Carollers. I am writing to congratulate you on the lovely Christmas concert that you presented on your website for this holiday season unlike others because of the need for physical distancing.
You succeeded beautifully in presenting a wonderful selection of tunes for this special time of year.
It made my holiday less bleak than it would otherwise have been.

Thank you.
Peter Schmolka


May 13,  June 25th,  2020 - from a choir director in London
Hi Holly

I am Jerry Breslin, Musical Director of a Medieval and Renaissance Choir called "The Cryers" - we're sited just north of London in a village called Woburn Sands. I am writing to thank you for the marvellous youtube videos you have posted.

We are a group of amateurs who specialize in singing Renaissance and Medieval music, both secular and religious.  (I have the honour to be director).

We have persisted with virtual rehearsals during lockdown. We have used extensively youtube recordings to sing along with.  We have very much enjoyed singing with you, thousands of miles away, and I am writing on behalf of the Cryers to thank you for all your help in these difficult times.

Tonight we finished our rehearsal singing with you fine rendition of Arcadelt's "Il Binaco Cigno.".   

The Cryers are only 11years old - like yourselves, we only do concerts for charity.   We sing both secular and religious music of the time.  For secular concerts we appear in costumes, and collaborate with local period musicians.  There are even half a dozen of us (not me) that are spritely enough to dance.  

Perhaps our biggest achievement so far was a concert production of much of Monteverdi's Orfeo (1607)  - the concert raised over £8000 for the local Hospice.

So, a big thankyou - looking at my records over 14 virtual rehearsals we've called upon Stairwell Carollers for youtube help five time.

Keep Safe and Well

Jerry Breslin
(Musical Director The Cryers)


Dec 19, 2019 - a longtime fan

Hi Pierre and choir members

What an absolutely divine concert!! You all sounded so United!!!! I could almost hear bells ringing. CONGRATS and many 
thanks for sharing your gift of music and making such a difference for the Ottawa community and those on need!!
Thanks and all the best for the holidays and New Year!

Elizabeth Gluckstal


Dec 19, 2019 - to her friend Annika, soprano

I just wanted to say that I will be thinking of you this evening, making a joyful noise to the Lord, and of how much pleasure you will give the audience.

I am thoroughly enjoying the CD's I bought and couldn't agree more with the statement in one of the write-ups saying that your purpose is to give glory to the season which you do so beautifully.  Oddly enough I was thinking of just that thing this year.  Some of my Christmas CD's sound like they are so busy "playing" with the music they have forgotten why they are singing it.  (Straight Up No Chaser comes to mind.  They could be singing commercial jingles for all the lack of feeling of sanctity.)  When you sang Donne's The Lamb, which I wasn't aware had been set to music until then, I could feel my soul soar with your voices.  You sang so tenderly.  If you have a chance, please pass my gratitude on to Pierre Massie for the beauty he has brought to the season through your lovely voices.

Break a leg, my talented friend!

God bless you all!

Dec 19, 2019 - a concertgoer

A little email to thank you again for all your help in retrieving my tickets for yesterday's concert, and to say how much my husband and I enjoyed your performance. It was a wonderful - and very welcome - way to begin our Christmas celebrations and the start of a lovely new festive tradition. From our home to the Stairwell Carollers, we wish you all the peace and joy that this happy season brings.

Cheers, Karyn


Dec 16th, 2019 - Mark Holzman, Cornerstone Housing for Women

"Pierre - What a wonderful concert on Saturday night. Thank you for your community support over these many years and for choosing to donate to Cornerstone this year. The hard work and dedication shown by all the Stairwell Carollers is evident in the lovely music you all have composed, arranged, practiced and performed so beautifully. And how magical to see the transformation back to winter when we left the church! Attached are several photos of the presentation. Happy holidays to all. 
- Mark"


Dec 9, 2019 - a concert goer

"I was simply overwhelmed by the beauty of the Stairwell Carollers Christmas Concert last year.  As I walked into the church, I could hear what I thought was piped in music playing.  Imagine my delight when I realized that it was the Carollers warming up before the performance!

The whole evening was pure pleasure.  I have never heard a better community choir and look forward to this year's event."

Sheridan Brace


Nov 25, 2017  E. Gluckstal, OCISO

Bonjour Pierre,

I hope this finds you Resting and recovering!  You are truly the best! I wanted to be sure that “you heard what I heard”……Eat your hearts out Tallis Scholars….the Stairwell Carollers will be a VERY hard act to follow……

I heard nothing but RAVE reviews from just about everyone who joined us for refreshments.  Some of my closest non singer and choir friends were blown away.

I can’t tell you how much this concert meant to so many of us.  One Syrian refugee who had planned to leave early so he could tuck his young children into bed stayed for the entire program.  He loved the music and was moved to tears many times.  You have all given him the gift of Canadian music.

And Adrian (Horwood - MC) ended up staying much longer than planned.

Please let each and every Caroller know that you all outdid yourselves.  OCISO is so fortunate to have had you perform for them.  A very special, memorable evening for us all.

Merci, Thank you, Danke!!!!!

Be well

Auf Wiedersehen

Elizabeth Gluckstal


Oct. 2017 
Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, congratulates the Stairwell Carollers on their 40th.
Governor General's congratulatory letter to the Stairwell Carollers (English)

Governor General's congratulatory letter to the Stairwell Carollers (French)


Jan 14, 2017  - from a fan

Dear Mr. Massie,

I would like to thank you very much for your beautiful concert you performed in the time of Advent in Knox Church. The performance was beautiful, the acoustics were perfect the location was gorgeous.

You shared during the ovations your story from the past: once somebody asked you if you could sing for them the Little Drummer Boy. Even though I like that carol too I understand why you mentioned this story and I hope you will not think the same of this suggestion.

After the concert I came home and started nostalgically to search  on YouTube for carols from my old country. I think the most known classical Czech carol is “Česká mše vánoční” (Czech Christmas mass) by Jakub Jan Ryba. As I search the web, there was one project which caught my eye. This is the link to it https://youtu.be/_YY-NJwb6Z8. Even though this project is a project of two countries, there was no interpreter for the introduction.  Please, let me give you quick translation of it. In 2007 volunteers of English parliament sang this carol during the time of Advent. In 2010 the director of the children’s chorus put together volunteer singers of Czech parliament, English volunteers singers from their parliament  and members of his ensemble  and they sang this carol together in the cathedral of St. Vitus, which is within the Prague Castle. What a beautiful idea. The motto of the speech of the cardinal was: “music unites people.”

I wish you many more concerts as this one in the future.


Bela Dedek


August 14, 2013  Kind words from Curtis Perry

"I personally know their director, Pierre Massie, is incredibly talented as a musician and compassionate as a human being, as I have witnessed as a former volunteer for the high school he teaches at. He sings and leads in the Tenor section, and composes and arranges with notable beauty and originality."

Excerpt from Singly Noted Blog -- full article HERE

September 28, 2012      Email from a brand-new fan :)

"Holly , I listened yesterday to Audite Nova, what a fantastic repertoire, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German!  Incidentally on you tube I fell on a pocket of madrigals composed by Spanish colony people living in New Spain and New Grenada (Mexico Colombia) from the XVII and XVIII century. Amazing there are it seems hundreds of these unknown treasures. Thank you for creating such beauty along the years without giving up to fashion, and facility."



December 11, 2007  - Sir David Willcocks

"Thank you for your kind letter of greeting from the Stairwell Carollers, and for notifying me of the fact that Pierre Massie will be celebrating his 30 years of Direction of the Stairwell Carollers this year.  I know of the great success that the Stairwell Carollers have enjoyed under his direction, so I hope you will be able to associate his name with my very warm greetings to all members of the Stairwell Carollers for this Christmas, and for many future years."

Yours Sincerely,
David Willcocks


January 6th 1998 - John Rutter

Dear Mr. Massie

Thank you so much for sending me your new CD - lovely! I am delighted you included some of my music on it, especially "There is A Flower". The performances are all delightful, and I wish you every success with sales.

Best Wishes!
John Rutter


Seen on Twitter
@gotraveltips Rosemary OShaughnesy
@StairwellChoir many thanks for sharing the music , I enjoyed it after an early morning flight to meet a colleague. Take care

@soxyfleming soxyfleming
wonderful story! @StairwellChoir CHOIR HOW-TO -- Costume -- Part Five: Cloaks are all the Vogue

@jojokejohn john osalvo
@StairwellChoir excellent cause send any vid you'd like tweeted smiles look for your tweets and followback

@KPSchoir KewPhilChamberChoir
here is @StairwellChoir choir with beautiful control and dynamics! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSxQA8A_BLM&feature=email

@jpduboisgodin Jean-Pierre Dubois-G
@StairwellChoir You had me at madrigal...


January 31, 2011  - Harvest House
"Thank you very much for your generous donation to Harvest House.  Your organization's gift of $2000.00 will have an immediate impact on the programs at Harvest House as it is organizations like yours that help make a difference in the lives of the young men living at Harvest House."

Nicole Plaschy MBA, CFARE
Executive Director
Harvest House Ministries


Dec 10, 2010 -  St. Paul's Eastern United Church

Thanks to you and the Carollers for a wonderful concert to welcome the snow in Dec., as usual. The silence during your singing and the rapt looks on all 250 faces told the whole story. It was magical!

Oh, and we took in over $2000., leaving a shade under $1500 for our charities, so everyone benefitted! Have a great concert next weekend, and a relaxing Christmas following that.

Thanks again
Dianne Clipsham


June 7th, 2010  - Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County

"Please accept our sincere thanks for the very generous gift of $2000.00 recently presented to the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County.  We very much appreciate your organization's decision to make the Alzheimer Society the recipient  of proceeds from your choir's performance."
Susan Paul, manager of fund development


June 16, 2010 - Shepherds of Good Hope
"They say that "music soothes the soul".  We are grateful for your gift of music and for your recent donation of $2000.00.  No doubt, your music has brought comfort and joy to those who attended your recent concerts.
 As you know each life is precious and yet not everyone can be blessed with the comforts of home and good health.  Your contribution will assist us in serving those who are currently cared for in our programs and those many less fortunate to come to our doors daily in need of assistance."

Respectfully yours,
Paul Souci executive director
Sheila Burnett executive director
Shepherds of Good Hope


 June 1, 2010 - Jesse Laflamme
A review, en francais, of our concert at Fasset,Quebec, June 12, 2010
Une messe vraiment spéciale à Fassett - Activités culturelles - Culture - Info07


October 15, 2007  - University of Ottawa
On behalf of the Homecoming 2007 Organizing Committee, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the Stairwell Carollers for your participation at the Homecoming High Tea on September 27.
The presence of the Stairwell Carollers, your beautiful voices and selection of songs presented, combined to create a very special ambiance for this year's celebration.  Please pass along my appreciation to all those who joined you for this event."

Anne-Marie Fontaine
Homecoming Coordinator
University of Ottawa


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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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