If you don't understand that sentence, don't feel bad.
I have to admit I had to Google it.
So, despite this being hilarious to a word nerd like me, apparently English has no "Imperfect" thus, sadly, the grammar is flawed. Here is an exhaustive (and exhausting) post with an explanation.
In the meantime, You should email us to set up your audition! I'm sure you are either a man who is a bass or tenor, or a woman who is an alto.
(Sorry sopranos, maybe next audition round!)Farewell, Dear Love, by Robert Jones, sung by the Stairwell Carollers...
Robert Jones was a Renaissance lutenist and composer.
Audio: Tom Barnes. Recorded at St. Barnabas Church, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 2nd, 2018.
Videographers: Matthieu Brennan, Andrew Mason
Video Editing: Pierre Massie
Surprise! We are an Ottawa choir, with members from all over the Ottawa Region and Outaouais.

About The Stairwell Carollers:
Pierre Massie created our a cappella choir in 1977 while he was a music student at Ottawa University. With wins in both the 2010 and 2013 Ontario Music Festival Association competitions, we are ranked among the best of Ontario choirs.
A registered Canadian charity, The Carollers also help local charities with net proceeds from concert tickets, CD and cookbook sales. Since 1997 we have donated over $143,800 to local charities and scholarships.
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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)