Or something like that.
Our CDs are available on our website in both CD and MP3 formats.
Net proceeds benefit charity.
The Stairwell Carollers chorus from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, sing Salve Regina - by contemporary French composer Francis Poulenc (1899 – 1963).
Videographer: Richard Auger
Editing: Pierre Massie
Photos: Holly Massie
About The Stairwell Carollers:
Pierre formed our a cappella choir in 1977 while he was a music student at Ottawa University. Since then the Stairwell Carollers have been ranked amongst the best of Ontario choirs in both the 2010 and 2013 Ontario Music Festival Association competitions. We are a registered Canadian charity, and raise funds for local charities through our concert, CD and cookbook sales.
Please DONATE to make our 40th year special for everyone!

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)