Monday, January 23, 2017

Trinity United Church - a look back at a bright new venue

Vibrant and modern stained glass is beautifully backlit
We always try to arrive first on concert night. Since Pierre (Pete) is the director, he feels it necessary to set a good example, and he likes to have lots of time to make sure everything will go smoothly for the performance.

Michèle stands watch over the CD table as Front of House director
Usually, René, bass, and his lovely wife, Michèle, beat us there or we all arrive at the same time.

René is a past choir committee president and now in charge of the Tech Crew.  Michèle has become our go-to girl for Front of House. She is always there to set up and sell CDs and manage all our volunteers (tickets, door, seating etc.) We could not do this without her!

We all assemble so Pierre can decide the best positioning for sound

 We arrive at every new venue with a little trepidation -- wondering where we will stand or how well we will hear each other. Every church has different acoustics which is further affected by the bodies of the audience.
This sweet little angel was at the door to greet everyone

A large, bright modern building, Trinity United - on Maitland Avenue in Ottawa - promised to house a large audience, and we weren't disappointed! The Dec 2nd concert was in aid of the Jubilee Foundation.
Roomy green room was a welcoming space

I couldn't find a single person to take photos of us on stage, so you'll have to take my word for the fact that the church was full. It was, and the audience was mostly new to us. Or, we were new to them. 

Whatever, they were a bit shy at first, not sure about the protocol for our concert (relaxed). But, one song in, a joke or two and Pete had them laughing and smiling. 
Our door prize winner!
Maybe they never saw a choir like us -- no director in front (Pete sings in the tenor section and directs with small movements of his book and his head) -- no invisible barrier to connect with our listeners. 

Our concerts are more intimate and personal than some others since Pete encourages us to look at the audience and each other.
The Eatwell Carollers :)

Our choir is like a big family, and Pete and I are there till the end to make sure no singer is left without a ride home.

We leave as we came, with René and Michèle, our arms full of the stuff that makes a concert happen.

Trinity United Church, Maitland Ave, OttawaThe Tech crew works hard!
Music binders, lighting instruments, cords and duct tape.A lot of equipment goes into making every show a success!

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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