Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Top ten Stairwell Carollers YouTube Videos -- PLAYLIST

Two tenors, She-Yang and Graham, adjust lighting for a concert
Two tenors, She-Yang and Graham, adjust lighting for a concert
Here is a fun playlist of our TOP TEN VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE as of Tuesday, May 19th, 2015...
10 : The Wexford Carol, arrangement by John Rutter. Video taped live at our Christmas concert, Dec 8, 2000, St. Charles Church, Ottawa. This version was professionally recorded later for "Mourning Dove", our third Christmas Carol CD.
Manon, Josee, Nikki and Elise wrangle the coffee pot for the concert reception
Manon, Josee, Nikki and Elise wrangle the coffee pot for the concert reception
9 : "Missa secunda" by Hans Leo Hassler (1564 - 1612), a German composer and organist of the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras. This version of "Missa secunda" was professionally recorded for our Sacred songs from the Renaissance CD, "Cantate Domino", released October 2012.
8 : "Adoramus te" by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 or 1526 -- 1594), an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music. This version of "Adoramus te" was professionally recorded for our Sacred songs from the Renaissance CD, "Cantate Domino".
7 : "Patapan" is a French Christmas Carol from the Renaissance era and, as all our videos, recorded live in concert. This was Dec 18, 2009 at our "Carols à la Carte" concert, where the audience got to choose their favorite 15 carols from a list of 25. "Patapan" was audience choice number 12 in the countdown. This song was professionally recorded for our first CD, "Qui creavit celum", a collection of Christmas Carols, old and new.
Stairwellers enjoying a well- deserved Pub night
Stairwellers enjoying a well- deserved Pub night
6 : "Past Three O'Clock", by Charles Wood and arranged by William Llewellyn. This version of "Past Three O'Clock" was professionally recorded for our "I Saw A Swete Semly Syght" Christmas Carol CD.
5 : "Carol of the Bells", composed by Mykola Leontovych with lyrics created by Peter J. Wilhousky -- from our "Carols à la Carte" concert at St. Charles Church, December 18, 2009, where the audience got to choose their favorite 15 carols from a list of 25. This popular song was audience choice number 4 in our countdown! This song was professionally recorded for our first CD, "Qui creavit celum", a collection of Christmas Carols, old and new.
4 : "Ay linda amiga" is a 16 century anonymous madrigal from Spain. This version of "Ay linda amiga" was professionally recorded for our Renaissance Madrigals CD, "Audite Nova".
3 : "Les Anges dans nos campagnes" performed by The Stairwell Carollers, joined by many Stairwell Caroller alumni on Dec 15, 2007 at our "30 Years of Song" celebration concert. This version of "Les Anges dans nos campagnes" was professionally recorded for our first CD, "Qui Creavit Celum".
Spectacular view of St. Columba -- where most of our CDs are recorded
Spectacular view of St. Columba -- where most of our CDs are recorded
2 : "Missa brevis", a 17th century sacred mass by Antonio Lotti (ca. 1667 -- 5 January 1740). This version of "Missa brevis" was professionally recorded for our Sacred songs from the Renaissance CD, "Cantate Domino".
1 : The top ten has changed a bit since I posted the videos individually last November. Surprisingly, and we cannot figure out why, "Come Again" still tops the list at Number One. YouTube analytics ( where you can see all sorts of viewer engagement statistics for your uploaded videos ) show that they all watched the song to the end -- so thanks for the love, people!
NOTE: I update this playlist when the top ten songs change, so if you read this post in the future, you may notice the videos I have named here could be different than the embedded playlist. It will be neat (oops, showing my age) to see the changes.
Current TopTen Stairwell Caroller Videos: Playlist

A non-profit organization, we raise funds for local charities through concert, CD and cookbook sales.

All our CDs are available on our website in both CD form and as MP3 downloads.
Buy our CDs and help Ottawa/Gatineau charities reach their goals.
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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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