Saturday, May 16, 2015

Stairwell Carollers 2015 Spring Sacred Concert Repertoire

Spring concert Programme
Spring concert Programme
Don't miss our big Spring Concert June 5th 7:30 pm at St. Barnabas Church, 70 James St. Ottawa!

If you got our newsletter, you may be aware of some exciting changes to our repertoire this spring! 

Pierre, our director, has decided to open up our musical selections to the contemporary scene and we are all super excited about it!
Previously, we were self limiting to the Renaissance period for our spring programme, but with some pressure from the choir (me included) and suggestions from our good friend and Dominion Carilloneur, Andrea McCrady, Pete has chosen some spectacular pieces for us to perform this year. 

My personal favourite, and OMGoodness, the hardest piece I have ever had to learn, is the modern Ave Maria by Franz Biebl. This will be our first performance of this piece, and we found an incredible version of it on YouTube performed by one incredible guy, Matthew Curtis.

Isn't that the most gorgeous thing you've ever heard? Don't miss this concert!

$15 in advance, $20 at the door.

ADVANCE TICKETS are available from all choir members in person, ONLINE HERE, and at selected local businesses.

For those who can't see the JPG, here is a text list of the concert repertoire:
1. Jubilate DeoOrlando di Lasso
2. MiserereAntonio Lotti
3. Pater NosterIgor Stravinsky
4. Vexilla regisJuan Francés de Iribarren
5. Regina CoeliGregor Aichinger
6. O Domine (from the Requiem). Gabriel Fauré
7. Tu es PetrusHans Leo Hassler
8. Christe redemptor omniumPierre Massie
9. O vos omnesPablo Cassals
10. AlleluiaGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
11. Missa brevisAntonio Lotti
12. Suscepit Israel (from the Magnificat) Johann Sebastian Bach
13. Kyrie (from the Notre Dame Mass) Guillaume de Machaut
14. O Jesu ChristeJacquet de Berchem
15. Salve ReginaFrancis Poulenc
16. Gloria in exclesis Deo Claude Goudimel
17. Laudemus cum armoniaPierre Massie
18. Deo gratiasWilliam Byrd
19. Ave MariaFranz Biebl
20. Resonet in laudibusAnon. 14th centurytranscribed by P. Massie
21. O magnum mysterium Morten Lauridsen
22. Ave verum corpus (K.618)Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
23. Ubi caritas Maurice Duruflé
24. Cantate DominoHans Leo Hassler


And, for your listening pleasure, a TEASER PLAYLIST for the concert....

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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