Friday, November 21, 2014

Quality Xmas Shopping -- Stairwell Caroller CDs at Watsons Mill Christmas Market Nov. 22, 23 and 30th 2014

Watson's Mill in Manotick
We will be at the 2014 Watson's Mill Christmas Market and Fine Art Sale Nov. 22, 23 and 30th ONLY with CDs, Gift Baskets, MP3s and Cookbooks to fulfill all your Christmas gift needs.

Save shipping costs and get our 4 CDs for $50 deal by buying in person. Gift baskets are only $25 and include a music CD, coffee or tea, a mug, a cookbook CDrom, chocolate -- and cookies or biscuits -- a fantastic deal for the price! 
Thanks to all the local retailers that donated goodies for the baskets! *

Give a gift that keeps on Giving! 
The Stairwell Carollers present a $2000 cheque to a local charity at a 2013 concert

Proceeds from all Stairwell Carollers Merchandise go towards helping local charities. 
We do what we do best to help our community groups do what they do best!

I also have Concert Tickets at the ADVANCE PRICE of $15 ($20 at the door) for two of our concerts coming up. Friday Dec 12th at Knox Presbyterian on Lisgar Street in Ottawa and Wednesday Dec 17th at St. Clumba Anglican Church, 24 Sandridge Rd Ottawa. 

The Stairwell Carollers have been benefiting local charities since our first recording in 1987 that made $53,000 for Manoir Ronald McDonald House.  We continue our charitable mandate with live concerts and our high quality CDs -- recorded at St. Columba on Sandridge and St. Barnabas on James street in Ottawa. Both churches have incredible acoustics.

Fall colours view from Watson's Mill, Manotick
See you there!
* Thanks to Baarhaven Loblaws, Sobeys, Starbucks, Second Cup, Buck or Two, Home Depot, Stittsville and Merivale Farm Boy and Stittsville Independent for gift basket goodies.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks to Holly who is creating these baskets :)


You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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