Friday, June 1, 2012

UPDATE -- Stairwellers David and Nicole run for Biodiversity

This is just a quick note of appreciation to all of you who gave Nicole and me moral and/or financial support as (a) she attempted her very first 10km race (first step on the way to a fall marathon!) and (b) I attempted my ouch 17th marathon as part of USC Canada’s Run for Biodiversity here in Ottawa on May 27. 


We had a record number (46) of dedicated R4B runners and walkers join us this year. They have helped raise a record $9,100 for farmers in Nepal and donations are still coming in, so a huge thank you for your generous financial support!

Your moral support and encouragement was also greatly appreciated this year.


After the race, Nicole wrote this:
I had SO much fun on Saturday. The weather was amazing, I felt really strong the whole way, and wow, the cheering crowds were incredible. It was a blast. Can't wait to run my next race! I'm happy to see that the fundraising efforts were successful. A win-win for everyone! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in such a great project! 

        On my side, here’s how it went. During the marathon, I was feeling pretty good up to about the 30km mark, at which point I hit the wall. 

I struggled mightily in the last 10-12 km, but drew inspiration from a visitation by my spirit bird, the great blue heron. Two of them in fact (!) – who were flying majestically in tandem along the Ottawa River at about km 32 – and I drew from their energy and told myself that was it, I would push myself to finish, and I did. (NB: I’m still wondering to myself whether this was a visitation, or perhaps a “vision”, as I seemed to be the only runner who was aware of their presence…..) 

Anyways, I was able to finish the race in 4 hour 14 minutes, which turned out to be my best time since 2008 and 2007 when I ran similar 4:14 times – as a “young man” of 55 and 56 – so I can’t complain on that front. 

Indeed, now that I have “advanced” to a new age group, 60-64, I actually placed a respectable 36th out of 94 fellow male runners my age, so everything is relative, maybe by the time I’m 70….

From both of us, thanks again for all your support – until next year!
David Rain
Legacy Gifts and Donor Recognition
Coordinator, Run for Biodiversity
USC Canada 56 Sparks Street, Suite 705
Ottawa, ON Canada K1P 5B1

Tel: 1-613-234-6827, ext 231
Fax: 1-613-234-6842
I'm running wild for food and farmers. Support USC Canada's Run for Biodiversity!

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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