Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stairwellers Support USC Canada's Run for Biodiversity in Ottawa

Hi folks, not only do the altos and tenors find time to sing in perfect harmony during our CD recordings, but some of them are joining forces with 42 other runners as part of USC Canada’s upcoming Run for Biodiversity in Ottawa, May 26-27.

Yes, the tenor pestering you again this year is David, who will be attempting his 17th marathon (ouch) on Sunday May 27, his first attempt after having turned 60 in February.
The new alto on the starting block this year will be Nicole, who is training towards her very first marathon (yeah!) in Niagara Falls this fall. On May 26, she will be running the 10km race here in Ottawa as the first leg of this long and challenging journey.

In a week’s time, Nicole and David will be running wild for food and farmers in Nepal. We’re raising funds to help farming families in the remote Himalayan District of Humla, a 10-day’s walk from the nearest road!

You can support our efforts and help farming families in Nepal by making an Online Donation,  or by sending a cheque (made out to “USC Canada”) to: USC Canada, Run for Biodiversity, 56 Sparks Street, Suite 705, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5B1.

We have suggested donations to fit every budget, and every imagination level:
1. $10 = a 10km run is a feat in itself, that not many of us can manage.
2. $26 = now what could be “easier” than running a mere 26.2 mile marathon.
3. $42 = if you think in metric, and not in miles, then running a marathon always seems to feel that much longer – 42.195 km to be specific.
4. $52 = $42 + $10, bien sur!
Humla airplane landing
Why is Biodiversity so Important?
Biodiversity is all about food and farmers. It’s the earth’s life-support system, and nature’s brilliant insurance policy against disaster. If something fails, there’s a back-up plan: Biodiversity! That’s why the UN has declared 2011-2020 the International Decade of Biodiversity, and May 22 International Biodiversity Day.
As always, a donation in any amount is most welcomed, and tax receipts will be issued for $10 or more.
Many thanks for your support!

David and Nicole
PS David personally visited the Humla program way back in April 2000 (and missed a few rehearsals as a result!): “You have to fly in, starting off at 100 feet above sea level, landing at 10,000 feet, quite the experience!”

I'm running wild for food and farmers. Support USC Canada's Run for Biodiversity!

David Rain Legacy Gifts and Donor Recognition
Coordinator, Run for Biodiversity USC Canada 56 Sparks Street, Suite 705
Ottawa, ON Canada K1P 5B1

Tel: 1-613-234-6827, ext 231
Fax: 1-613-234-6842

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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